Atrium Health Case Study Image


"Relogix by HubStar helps us make more precise CRE decisions, as well as making the changes that capture the opportunity to optimize the space."

Executive Director, Atrium Health



Don't settle for the consequences of inefficient space allocation and occupancy planning 

Reduced ROI

Real estate is often times the largest cost, so when it is not being optimized to its full potential, ROI suffers. 

Negative Doctor/Patient Experience

Scrambling for rooms and schedules shifting later and later can easily contribute to physician burnout and the patient experience.

Inefficient Decision Making

Relying on just scheduling data used to be enough, but the healthcare space has evolved to be so intricate that it no longer gives you the full picture, leading to blind resource allocation decisions.

HubStar's Space Utilization & Analytics Solution is Built

for the New World of Healthcare


Strong ROI

With minimal added costs, identify with precision where you can save money, avoid spend, or increase revenue.

Enhanced Experience

Optimizing space allocation leads to an enhanced healthcare experience for all stakeholders – doctors, patients and ROI.

No more guesswork 

With a combination of sensor and sensor-less technology, you will capture the exact levels of utilization of your spaces.

Precise Data

Understand if you’re at capacity, or if you simply need to adjust schedules to maximize utilization of each room. Identify opportunities through visualized work patterns and space preferences.

Safe & Secure

Our IoT sensor platform does not use cameras and can be deployed completely off your network so that it runs entirely independent of your IT infrastructure. 

Complete Privacy

Our occupancy analytics solution captures zero personally identifiable information. We do not store or utilize any personal information and follow strict protocols to ensure your data is secure and protected.

A solution built for healthcare

Don't leave your space planning strategy up to chance - HubStar's solution is industry-proven and can help you optimize your facilities. 

  • Delivering quality patient care as efficiently and effectively as possible relies on having accurate occupancy and utilization.
  • Empower your decision-making and facilitate alignment across all stakeholders with our occupancy analytics.
  • We provide you with the accurate data you need to increase patient room utilization, improve patient care, and control your real estate spend.
Increase in ROI (4)
Increase in ROI (3)

Start making space decisions with confidence 

Constantly hearing from staff that you need more space, but walk around to see unused rooms? You just need the right data.    

  • HubStar's solution offers accurate, unbiased, undisputable space utilization data and customized
    data visualizations to better inform your space planning strategy and build consensus
  • Our heat and motion sensors collect occupancy and utilization data enabling access
    to actionable insights within our secure cloud-based platform
  • Easily build business cases backed by data to justify space allocation and scheduling decisions

Want to find out more?