Workplace Strategy in 2024:
A How-to Guide for Workplace Innovators

Can your workplace handle complex hybrid work patterns and higher employee demands in 2024?

Join us in this on-demand webinar for a deep dive into why every organization needs a solid workplace strategy, and how to start creating yours today. 

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In the on-demand session, you'll learn:

A 3-step process for defining a workplace strategy that creates connection while reducing costs
The top 3 common pitfalls that lead to epic waste and bad workplace experiences 
How to gather and use workplace data, plus other tactics to implement your workplace strategy 

Some organizations are focusing on creating the workplace of the future, while others are prioritizing hard dollar savings from more efficient use of real estate.

Whichever lens you look through, it’s vital to implement, track, measure and predict a robust workplace strategy, so you know precisely what’s working and what isn’t.

Head of Future of Work, Jane Young


With a background in digital innovation, transformation, and writing and speaking about all things workplace. Jane explores how to create a robust strategy for the workplace of 2024.